
In 2024 I was working on a project and had a vision of a typeface that would be perfect for the project. I started looking for such a typeface but couldn’t find anything. I found very similar fonts but some glyphs were not the way I imagined them or lacked certain characteristics.

During this search, the idea came up to create my own typeface that had all the features I needed. I immediately got to work on it and loved it. Shaping all the different glyphs was just a beautiful process.

At the same time I realised that premium typefaces often comes at a high price, especially for individual designers/creatives. So my goal is to create high quality fonts with accessible prices for everyone. But typefaces will probably not be the only assets I will make available here. I have some more ideas for different digital assets. But let’s start with the typeface.

If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to contact me:

Hendriz will be available soon!

We're still working on the final touches for the public release. You can definitely look forward to a free package when we launch!